The Mission:

Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

Monday, June 1, 2009

New Rules

So, once again, if any of you know me, you know I never do anything at a minimum. I always have to make things more complicated.

But, in this instance, I think I'm improving my goals.

So, as an extra incentive, if I complete all of the goals before the specified time (Feb 27, 2012), then I get an extra $5 for every day early to spend on my shopping spree.

Also, every time I complete a goal, I will set a new secondary goal in its place.

I decided to do this because even though it was really hard to come up with the 101 goals, once I got to about 90, they just started flowing like crazy and I had to cut back on several. So I have a lot more things that I'd like to accomplish in the next 2.75 years and I want to make sure I can document them, so I can have a sense of accomplishment and completion. Some of these I know I won't finish by the end of the time frame, but any that are left outstanding will become the base line for my next project.

Thus for every secondary goal I achieve before the end of the first 1001 days, I will get an additional $10 toward my shopping spree!

(The monetary goals in my list will be very important for this - otherwise I know my husband won't let me spend any money....)

The rule for the secondary goals is that they do not have to correspond exactly with the previous goal, but they have to fall in the same category. For example, my first goal is to run a 5K. Once I accomplish that, I don't have to necessarily choose a goal that has to do with running (i.e. run a 6 minute mile), but the goal does have to be a physical goal (i.e. swim 5 miles).

The last extra incentive is that every time I finish any 10 goals, I get to treat myself to something special. It can be any little thing I want to go do at the time - a pedicure, a massage, etc. Something not too expensive, but to reward myself for a job well done! I can't wait 2.75 years to celebrate!

So there's my additional rules. If anyone else is participating, you don't have to do these things. However, in my study of psychology, both in school and on my own, these things are very helpful in actually attaining and maintaining motivation and accomplishment in long term projects.

We'll see how it goes!

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